Aquarius - ALMOST PERSONAL READING FOR September 11 - October 11 2020 - Open Up and Transform

Hello Aquarius and welcome to your reading. This is a reading for someone who is Aquarius Sun, Moon, Rising or Venus sign - or you may be dealing with an Aquarius. Please remember that timing is fluid in tarot, this may speak of things which have already happened, are happening right now, or may happen in the future. Nothing is set in stone, we all have free will. Males may present as a female energy and vice versa, because we all embody both masculine and feminine energies. If this reading doesn't resonate with you - it's not your reading! Don't force it to fit your story. Please remember that these readings are for entertainment only, and should be used as guidance only. If you have any problems that require the expertise of a professional; a solicitor, a doctor, an accountant, then please seek the appropriate help for your issue. Now that we've got that out of the way, let's begin.

I used my pendulum to divine which decks to use for your reading and it chose Colette Baron-Reid's Good Tarot deck and Chris-Anne's Lightseer's Tarot for your reading. Supporting oracle cards are Doreen Virtue's Healing with the Fairies Oracle Deck and Denise Linn's Sacred Destiny Oracle.

I initially drew four cards for you, Aquarius, and four cards for your person. As I dealt, I automatically put you in the top row, as it is your reading, and I'll refer to the messages for the top row as you during this reading. However, if you resonate more with the messages in the bottom row, then feel free to flip the reading. I have had feedback on one reading that I have done that the message was flipped for another person, and they were on the bottom row. One more note on your person. This could be your partner, your spouse, your secret lover, this could be your crush, your ex. But 99% of the time, it's going to refer to the person who dominates your thoughts. You could be married but find yourself preoccupied with the crush you have on your boss. You could be single and pining for your ex.

On your top row you have - the Queen of Water (Cups), 5 of Earth (Pentacles), King of Air (Swords) and the Messenger (Knight) of Air (Swords)
Your person has - the 7 of Wands, King of Cups, Queen of Swords and the Ace of Cups. 

Intuitively, looking at your top row, I feel that you need to talk to someone this month, Aquarius. You're there, in the Queen of Cups energy, maybe you're usually very open and loving, but it's just not coming out. You're worried about something, you could be worried about a multitude of things with the 5 of Pentacles. You could be feeling left out in the cold in a relationship - but if you are, I feel that this could be just as much your doing, because you might be operating in your head space rather than opening up like the Queen of Cups would, from the heart space. You could be worried about your finances, about your career, and with the King of Swords present, potentially your health, or your mental health. Maybe you're worried about all of the above. The King and Knight of Swords together tells me that you're going to make some very clear cut logical decisions this month, from the head not the heart. The suit of Swords is Air (you are an air sign after all). The King will evaluate all information, and the Knight will act on this once he has made up his mind, and act rapidly too. I will clarify these cards.

Your person's cards. The 7 of Wands indicates to me that they're standing their ground on a certain issue this month. With the King of Cups, they are there to support you (you have the Queen of Cups in your reading - so this is a divine pair, this is a committed, soulmate relationship), but the two cards together say to me that they are of the character that they need to understand - emotionally - the reasons why and the motives behind how people are acting. And right now, I don't think that they do. Especially if you're in your head, and they need you to talk and open up to them. Because the Queen of Swords. Do not mess with this energy, she will take off your head, and serve it up to you. She is more than capable of fighting fire with fire, and if you are withholding from her, she will do the same to you, with no remorse. I think you could be having harsh words with your partner, or rather, your partner will have some very harsh words for you this month. Home truths. This might not be to your detriment though, it could well be the kick in the pants that you need right now, because their last card is the Ace of Cups. This is the card of new relationships, but can also mean a fresh start, a clean slate in a current relationship, once the air has been cleared. The clarifiers may shed light on this. 

Clarifying the Queen of Water you had the 2 of Fire (Wands). You have decisions to make here, Aquarius, but you're not ready to make your move, not just yet. I don't know if you can see the card properly, but it's a figure up on a giraffe. They're trying to see a situation right now from a different perspective, from a higher perspective, and this is only further clarified to me by the Hanged Man - he is currently suspended upside down - also trying to view something from a different perspective. Two very similar cards, one major arcana, one minor. Both very passive energies, both a card of limbo, things seem to be at a standstill right now. But the Page of Air is going to bring this period to a halt. This Page is action after being passive, an end to limbo, sudden clarity or truths being revealed and this could lead you to finally take action. Be aware though, that the Page is a very immature energy, he is not a King, and this warns you not to make a rash decisions right now. And finally you have the 10 of Swords. Never a welcome sign in any reading, although this is probably the prettiest version of this card in all my decks. In tarot, the 10's are all about completion, the end of a cycle. As good - or, as in this case, as bad as it is going to get. The good news is, that this situation is coming to an end, it cannot get any worse from here, and the decisions made now, should, in theory, lead to a brand new cycle for you. I call this card down but not out. Because we go again. And we go again. Because that's life. We pick ourselves up, brush ourselves down and move on. It's an ending, it's potentially painful, it's potentially challenging, you may be feeling betrayed even. But it's not Death, and it's not the Tower. It's minor arcana. It's something that you can and will deal with and it's also something that is a potential outcome, remember. Think of the butterfly effect here. The smallest decision made can change the entire course of your life completely. This is the predicted outcome if you proceed on the path you're currently treading. 

For your person, they had the Magician clarifying the 7 of Wands. They're trying to manifest something here. And next to the Temperance card, this combination of cards means that they are prepared to work selflessly to help you manifest your goals. But of course - you need to involve them, and open up to them first. Temperance is a card of balance, harmony and I feel that you're causing the imbalance in your relationship right now, Aquarius. Let them help you to restore balance into your life, because it is impacting on theirs too. They then have the Justice card, which is another card of balance. With the Queen of Swords, I would usually read this as a potential divorce card, but I'm not feeling that in this instance. I feel that your person could help you get Justice in this instance. Especially when their final card is the King of Swords. They're probably like a dog with a bone once they get an idea in their head, and will not stop until they get you the outcome that you desire. 

Your partner, I feel, is key this month, Aquarius. They hold a lot of the answers you need right now, they are willing to help, they are just as capable of being as logical as you are - if not more, and they are also willing to help you manifest precisely what it is that you need right now. Open up, and brainstorm with them. You might well be able to avoid that 10 of Swords completely. 

Underlying energy for the month ahead - for you, The Emperor and for your person The Ace of Fire (Wands). 

The Emperor is the father figure of the deck (whether you are male or female), they are the energy of all of the Kings combined. They are the breadwinner, the protector of their family, the one charged with keeping them safe and secure. Firm but fair, and respected. This month you are called to approach matters from the perspective of the Emperor. You may have been focusing too much on the physical and material parts of your life, and this card reminds you to create time to listen to your inner self. 

The oracle cards that I drew to shed further light on your reading were Look Inside Yourself from Healing with the Fairies. This card says that you've been looking for satisfaction from outside sources. You may have fallen into the trap of thinking 'I'll be happy if or when I have x, y or z' and once you get x, y or z, it only satisfies you briefly before the feeling of emptiness resurfaces and the cycle begins again. It also says that you may have been seeking advice from outside sources, and may be confused by conflicting advice. Listen to the advice that echoes what you already feel to be true and right in your own intuition. The truth is, that you have all the answers within yourself. (See also The Emperor, above. The cards never lie!)
And finally you had Transformation from the Sacred Destiny Oracle. This card has a beautiful butterfly on it, one blue wing, one yellow. This card is telling you that it is time for change, reinvention or rebirth. If you've just been plodding along, that you take measures to shift everything. A transformation doesn't mean that you just tweak or adapt a few things, it means becoming or doing something completely different. This card can also be a good omen, as it can mean a wish coming true.

That's what I have for you Aquarius, please let me know in the comment box below if this reading resonates for you :-) 
