Pisces - ALMOST PERSONAL READING FOR September 8th - October 8th - Following Your Bliss

Hello Pisces and welcome to your reading. This is a reading for someone who is Pisces Sun, Moon, Rising or Venus sign - or you may be dealing with a Pisces. Please remember that timing is fluid in tarot, this may speak of things which have already happened, are happening right now, or may happen in the future. Nothing is set in stone, we all have free will. Males may present as a female energy and vice versa, because we all embody both masculine and feminine energies. If this reading doesn't resonate with you - it's not your reading! Don't force it to fit your story. Please remember that these readings are for entertainment only, and should be used as guidance only. If you have any problems that require the expertise of a professional; a solicitor, a doctor, an accountant, then please seek the appropriate help for your issue. Now that we've got that out of the way, let's begin.

I used my pendulum to divine which decks to use for your reading and it chose Radleigh Valentine's Archangel Power Tarot deck and Colette Baron-Reid's Good Tarot for your reading. Supporting oracle cards are Sonia Choquette's The Answer is Simple Oracle deck and Colette Baron-Reid's Wisdom of the Oracle deck.

I initially drew four cards for you, Pisces, and four cards for your person. As I dealt, I automatically put you in the top row, as it is your reading, and I'll refer to the messages for the top row as you during this reading. However, if you resonate more with the messages in the bottom row, then feel free to flip the reading. I have had feedback on one reading that I have done that the message was flipped for another person, and they were on the bottom row. One more note on your person. This could be your partner, your spouse, your secret lover, this could be your crush, your ex. But 99% of the time, it's going to refer to the person who dominates your thoughts. You could be married but find yourself preoccupied with the crush you have on your boss. You could be single and pining for your ex.

On your top row you have the 3 of Earth (Pentacles), 4 of Water (Cups), 8 of Water (Cups) and 6 of Water (Cups).
Your person has Perspective, The Magician, Two of Michael (Swords) and the Ten of Gabriel (Wands).

The 3 of Earth is a card of teamwork, of hard work, a collaboration, so maybe this month, you are embarking on something at work, a project that you need to work on with others. There's also an element of boredom here for you, Pisces, with the 4 of Cups. Disinterest and apathy. Despite being the suit of Water, which deals with emotions, I don't feel that this is to do with your relationship, I think this is to do with your career. (*When I divined with the pendulum as to what cards to use, I wasn't guided to use the Romance Angels deck, and when I asked the pendulum to clarify if I needed them, or the wooden letters I use to give an idea of who your person is, I was told no). The 8 of Cups tells me that you are considering walking away from something this month, again, I feel this is your career not your person, and what you want to walk away to - is something that you used to do in the past, with the 6 of Cups. You're reminiscing about something you either used to do, somewhere specific that you used to work, or a specific career or job you used to have. Maybe you miss your group of workmates. Maybe you left somewhere and the grass wasn't as green as you anticipated it would be. Or, because the 6 of Cups is a card of nostalgia from days gone by, from childhood, you may even be contemplating doing something that you've never done before, but you always wanted to do. For example, maybe your childhood dream always was to be a hairdresser or a plumber, but someway, somehow, you've ended up as a nurse or a childminder and constantly looking at your job and wondering how the hell did I end up as x, when all I ever, ever wanted was to be y? 

Your person. Perspective is this deck's version of the Hanged Man. They are called to try and see things from a new or different perspective this month. Maybe this is seeing things from your perspective if you suddenly spring it on them that you want a change in career. They also have the Magician, which tells me that they are trying to manifest something into their life themselves. They may also have options and choices to have to make this month, because their next card is the Two of Michael (or Swords). This is a card of a crossroads, of having two choices to make. This decision is something that they are deep in mental contemplation about, because swords are all about that mental energy. The Ten of Gabriel, which is wands energy, tells me that they feel quite burdened by having to make this decision. It's not an easy decision to have to make, and the Hanged Man tells me that they are likely to contemplate this very deeply, your person will not be rushed or pressurised to make this choice. It will be analysed and dissected to the hilt in their mind before they make a decision. 

I pulled clarifiers on each card to see if we can find out any more details about this. The Sun is a very good card. In this deck it signifies abundance, so maybe this particular job or project is one that is financially beneficial. It is also a card of illumination, and tells me that everything you need to know will be shown to you at this point. The King of Water with the Sun and clarifying the 4 of Water, I think that you will make a decision to leave your current role. The King of Water is the very end of the suit of Cups. He has complete mastery of his emotions, and will always be true to himself. He is also next to Call - which is this deck's version of Judgement, which clarifies the 8 of Water. I think that the King of Water in this instance is you, whatever your gender, and you're making the judgement call to walk away from this career. I think you want to follow your bliss. Your final card is the Queen of Air, which tells me that you haven't taken this decision lightly. It's likely something that has niggled away at you for a long time, and that you have considered it from all angles to ensure that what you are doing is in the best interests of all - especially if you have a partner, responsibilities, bills, or a family. 

Your person's clarifiers. They have the Five of Raphael (Cups) clarifying the Hanged Man. Why do I feel... that your person feels the same way as you do? Because they are focusing on a loss here. They are contemplating a loss themselves, a disappointment, something from the past not working out as they had hoped. They are looking at it a different way, and I just have a sneaking suspicion that you both want to actually change direction in your career, but due to your personal circumstances, for the both of you to do this would be risky. Because they have the Ten of Ariel (Pentacles) clarifying the Magician. They are trying to manifest in something that would provide stability and financial security for the future. This is a card of happy ever after, but it's not just a card that would provide your person with that, it would benefit you both, and your family if you have one, or you're considering having one in the future. The Two of Ariel (Pentacles) clarifying the Two of Michael (Swords) tells me that whatever decision this is that your person is being called to make, is all about balance, financial balance. Having to juggle a budget maybe and it also warns that any decisions that impact on your bank balance right now, especially career changes, should be looked at very carefully and not taken lightly. The High Priestess as their final card tells me that whatever they decide, intuitively, will be the right choice. They will know if this situation can work, if there is a way to make it work, they will find it. If the books can be balanced, they will do it, or work out where you will need to make changes to your lifestyles, and cut your coat according to your cloth. 

The underlying energies for you both for the month ahead. For you - the 10 of Pentacles, which we also saw in your person's cards. So either way, it looks like any decisions you take this month will move you closer to the 10 of Pentacles outcome for you and your person (and your family if you have one). Your person has the Nine of Michael (Swords). This decision, this situation, is really impacting on them mentally. It may be causing them anxiety and sleepless nights, which of course it would do if this decision could impact on your security. Remember to keep them in the loop, be open, honest, transparent and frank with them and - if any decision you make impacts on them, then you make sure that you consult with them first before taking said decision.

The oracle cards I drew for you this month were Fill the Well from The Answer is Simple. This tells me that you are probably running on empty right now, and it's time for you to refill those depleted resources. It's time for some nurturing, whether you get this from another person, a friend, a lover, or whether you give yourself some self love. Do something that recharges you or lifts your spirits. Go out for food with a loved one, go for a long walk with a pet, have a massage or watch a funny film. Remember, you cannot pour from an empty cup. You also had Yin from Wisdom of the Oracle. This says that you should allow others to show you the way forward this month and release the need to have things in the form you want. You need to collaborate this month, not dictate. 

This reading could be yours if you're thinking of moving either to, from or between: a nurturing profession such as a counsellor, a teacher, a therapist; an artistic profession such as an artist, a writer, a photographer, a designer; someone in the legal or medical professions such as a lawyer, doctor, nurse; or any work with children, nanny, childcare provider etc. 

Another possibility is that the change of direction you hope for is leaving paid work in order to become a parent and a stay at home parent at that. Maybe all you've ever wanted is to be a parent and you're finally ready to step off the hamster wheel. The loss of a salary would, naturally, cause worry, and need a lot of thought into whether this is financially viable right now.  

I hope this reading resonated for you, Pisces, if it does, please leave me a comment in the box below :-) 
